Angry Video Game Nerd The Movie

As a big fan of the Angry Video Game Nerd, starting back in 2006, I was really looking forward to this. I had put off watching it for years because I’d heard about how bad it was. Surely I’d be able to find something redeeming about it, as the Nerd sometimes does in the bad games he plays.

However, this movie truly sucks ASS. It is sad to say that there’s very little to praise here, aside from the performance by the kid from the Bernie Mack show now all grown up. The story is absolutely rediculous and not in a good way. It involves the buried ET cartridges responsible for the gaming crash of 1983 and goes wild from there.

It was cool to see them go to an arcade bar I used to frequent, but I actually hate that bar so screw them. Why does the Nerd look so bored in this? Is what I repeatedly asked myself. As if he’s seriously miserable the entire movie.
